Monday, August 3, 2009

The tomorrow kids return from 3056 to rock the 2000s!

This is a very peculiar time in which we live - music is at its most fragmented point and recently artists have been furiously combining many different genres together in an attempt to create a new sound. Stravagant is a result of this genre imploding effect, as we have been exercising our genre freedom by exposing the intricacies of different styles and modifying them for our own amusement, as well as for the wonderment of the crowd who is excited to experience an eclectic style of music that is unlike any of even the most modern music of today.

At the decline of Stravagant's extravagant successes, 3056 marks the launching of a new musical genre that, with all modern attraction, monopolizes the industry and unifies artists under the highly controversial principle of "one-note" music.

Well, we couldn't bear to see this awful trend continue, so with our last ditch effort we returned to the year 2004 where the corruption is first recorded to begin. We cannot disclose too much information about your modern artists for fear of changing the course of history, but we've been studying this curious time period for many years. The only answer was for us to return and spread our own musical ideas for the greater good of humankind for generations to come. To hell with incompetance in the music industry, for at the heighth of Stravagant's successes, we were working our asses off for our riches. We do not stand for artists who do nothing more than sing someone else's music, look pretty, and have nothing better to publish than their relationship status.

After we returned to the year 2004, all of us would obviously appear much younger and not necessarily in the same city. But when I discovered astoundingly that my most qualified and trusted musicians all ended up in Bowie after the timelapse, I was ecstatic. We began making music right away, fascinated by the difference in music and technology available to us.

The first reunited member was Thomas Dickey. Having never seen an acoustic bass in his life before, he instantly took it up, not bothered by the price. Our first few recordings use Thomas's "big boy bass" for this reason - we had never seen anything like it! He eventually tired of the old instrument and began plaing electric, and has continued to broaden his style every day.

Second, Dae-Hyun Han was met in the high school band. It was good to see him as a kid again (he was also a famous pornstar in the 3's, giving him a huge ego that still resonates today). Having only played electronic drums, he too was fasinated by acoustic instruments, familiarizing himself with many different drums, percussion instruments, and jazz styles.

Dan Ryan was reunited into Stravagant as we approached our last years of high school (again). His virtuosic guitar skills and proficiency with effects processing were untouched by the timelapse, as he still has his lightning speed technique and knack for composition. Dan has seemed to develop a love for a musical style that ended up exinct in the future - jazz music. Through our rock compositions, we like to incorporate a good amount of jazz influence so we can make sure it doesn't die out for many years to come :)

After the timelapse, Owen Adams wasted no time at all in making his piano skills known. From the instant he returned, he has been practicing and performing very frequently. He is known to have competed in many local piano competitions, crushing opponents with ease with his future-perfected technique. He has won the Maryland State piano competition and plans to compete at the national and global level. His love of synthesizers in the 3's has not subsided in the timelapse. Since there is no instrument yet invented like his main keyboard, he has attatched a strap to a MicroKorg and pushes it to its technological and melodic limits and beyond. Also a passionate composer, he is currently writing music at his normal creative pace - which happens to be at least 20 times as rapid as any artist today. At the peak of Stravagant success, Adams was recording an average of 6 albums a month with his dedicated band, with radio play and endless touring.

So check out our music and our videos. And our mindless bickering. Please keep in mind, a thousand years of unheard influences come into our compositions. So start clicking.

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